Citrus fruits are among the most cultivated and commercialized species in the world. For this reason, they are considered to be the most important fruits worldwide.

They originated about 8 million years ago in the foothills of the Himalayas. The approximate arrival of these fruits in Europe took place around 310 BC. From Asia they went to North Africa and southern Europe, and from there they were taken to America around 1500.

Gospa Citrus offers you a wide variety of citrus fruits and other organic fruits from the paradise of Seville.

Fruits grown with love

How many citrus fruits exist?

There are more than 2,500 types of citrus fruits, a number that continues to grow due to the easy hybridization of this fruit. They are divided into three main species: Citrus maxima (grapefruit), Citrus medica (citron, for example, the ‘Etrog’ used in the Jewish feast of Tabernacles) and Citrus reticulata (mandarins). All other types of citrus fruits have originated from these main species.

Citrus varieties

Citrus fruits are normally grouped into different varieties. The most important and widespread in the world are oranges.

There are about 400 types of oranges. Only 30 are marketed and they belong to 3 main types: Navel (with navel), White (without navel) and Blood oranges.

Mandarins and clementines are very important. Although both are very similar, there are some differences in appearance and taste. Most varieties are very sweet, seedless and easy to peel.

There are also lemons, of which there are many varieties, as well as grapefruits, limes, and numerous other varieties, many of which are very rare and can be considered exotic because of their appearance, taste and smell.

More fruits

It is estimated that there are between 20,000 and 30,000 different species of fruit in the world. Because of their generally sweet-acidic taste, their intense and pleasant aroma, and their nutritional properties, fruits are mostly consumed fresh, as juice or as dessert, and their consumption makes contributions to the diet that are of utmost importance for human health. They provide fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, terpenes, selenium, phenolic compounds and phytochemicals.